Patron to the Limited Services Volunteer Course Youth Development Unit
It was a great pleasure to be asked to take on a Patron role for the Ministry of Defence’s LSV course back in 2020. Unfortunately however, due to Covid, the particular course intake I was going to be with had to be postponed. So, in April this year, when I was asked again to consider being part of an intake for 2021, I was delighted to be able to take this up.
It was both an honour and privilege to be the Patron for CO/121 Whatuira course (LSV) at Trentham Army Base Camp. For six weeks the group of 100 young men and women were put through there paces at Trentham. Sadly, for varying reasons, not all 100 got to graduate in June, but it was awesome to be in Wellington for their final grad dinner and march out and to see a large portion of the course (pictured above) fly through their final presentations. Congratulations to all of the course participants, who put in the hard work and dedication needed to be able to make it through the six gruelling weeks.